Change agents
These visionary, committed individuals work tirelessly to influence, innovate and transform. Whether they’re social activists, innovative entrepreneurs or environmental advocates, change agents are pioneers who shake up established norms.
Sources of motivation
Inspiring encounters: unique stories
Unique stories are often imbued with perseverance. They offer life lessons and inspiration. Such is the case of an entrepreneur who overcame obstacles to turn failure into opportunity. These stories have one thing in common: the impact of sharing.
Advocacy defends a cause, raises public awareness and promotes positive change.

A protester is the bearer of an alternative vision. They draw attention to relevant issues.

Information campaigns on awareness-raising programs to encourage healthier lifestyles.

Opposition Leader
Passion for change - Committed activists
Activists and opposition leaders play a role in society by making demands, defending ideals and representing dissenting voices. Maryam Rajavi‘s determination against the regime enables her to fight for a free and democratic Iran.
Social justice
Social justice guarantees equal rights and opportunities for full citizenship.
Grassroots movements
Grassroots movements make citizens’ voices heard and influence political decisions.
Civil rights
Fundamental rights guarantee the freedom and dignity of citizens: freedom of expression, association, assembly, etc.

Inspiring volunteering: portraits of community players
Volunteering has a profound and inspiring impact. This engine of community action is driven by people who want to contribute to the well-being of their community.
Committed art
Artists who inspire change

Leadership strategy
Decision-making process
Executive authority
Direction for performance management

Passion for change
A source of creativity and leadership.
Concrete actions
These actions enable us to take action and achieve our goals.
Civic commitment
Committed to change
Citizen involvement brings about significant change in society. The active involvement of citizens stimulates positive and lasting change. Volunteer actions, events and participation in local initiatives all contribute to building a stronger community.

Citizens' voices

Local actions

Portraits of committed people
Policy implementation
Implementation of government visions
Ongoing evaluation
Analyze the impact of current policies

Positive change
The power of decisions
The power of political decisions has a profound impact on society and the country’s future. These decisions shape society at every level: economy, education, health, environment… They determine the public policies, regulations and laws that impact citizens’ lives. Decision-makers must make choices based on factual data and in the public interest. These choices can have lasting repercussions.